Top 10 Weirdest Stories of the Old Testament

Photo by Tonci Galic

Photo by Tonci Galic

Michal’s Dowry, 1 Samuel 18:24

Most people know the story of David and Goliath. The story of the small boy who defeated a giant using only a slingshot is quite famous. David went on to have a long life but the story of his first wife’s dowry is one of the weirdest in the Old Testament.

David went to King Saul to ask for his daughter Michal as his wife. Dowries were common in those days so David was prepared to have to pay or perform some task for his future father-in-law. The shocking dowry that the king required for David to marry Michal was for David to collect the foreskin from 100 Philistines. The King thought that this challenge would either deter David or get him killed. But David returned with 200 foreskins and was permitted to marry Michal.
