Top 10 Exercises for Stomach Fat Loss

Photo by F Delventhal

Photo by F Delventhal

Hula Hooping

Take a slice of fun from your childhood and step back to the 1980s while burning fat–all with just the use of a hula hoop. Spending just 10 minutes hula hooping can help to burn belly fat while training you to properly engage the right core muscles. It is impossible to keep the hoop off the floor unless you are working the right abdominal muscles.

If you’re like most adults, you can easily remember how to get the hoop in action so you can start toning your tummy. Simply position the hoop on your hips, give it a twirl, and move your hips to keep it spinning. Can’t get the hang of it? Ask your kids; many children seem to naturally know how to move to keep the hoop going. Using a hula hoop is actually a great way to make sure everyone in the family keeps their stomach in good shape.
