Top 10 Exercises for Stomach Fat Loss

Plank Push-Ups

While they’re typically used to strengthen the arms, plank push-ups also force you to engage your core. As a result, they can sculpt your stomach. Planks force you to control your stomach muscles as you raise yourself off the ground, and that tension can help you burn fat.

To do a proper plank push-up, get on the floor in the prone position, with your belly facing the floor. Put your arms into the traditional push-up position, and push yourself off the floor until you are only balancing your weight on your toes and palms. Focus on keeping your form straight, as if your body were a plank. Hold the position for as long as you can, and then slowly lower yourself down. If you do these planks every time you workout, you will tighten your midsection and your stomach will become smaller as you burn fat.
