SAT vs ACT vs New SAT


Should I take the NEW SAT or the ACT?

How to decide between the ACT and the NEW SAT administered March 2016 or after:

The simple answer is DON’T TAKE THE SAT—Take the ACT…Don’t be a Guinea Pig for the SAT. There is no upside taking the New SAT until after they have worked through the first few administrations of the exam—give it a year just to see. Since ALL colleges and universities will accept an ACT exactly the same as the SAT, you are risking a lot if you decide to take the March 2016 SAT exam.

Important NOTE: There is one exception to this iron clad rule. If you take both a practice ACT and a practice SAT (using the actual released exams from both, including an exam for the SAT keyed to the March 2016 changes) and you find that, for whatever reason, you perform noticeably better on the “New” SAT compared to the ACT, then and only then, should you consider taking the March 2016 SAT exam. In all other instances, the better option will be the ACT and wait until 2017 before considering the SAT again.
